Integral Global Consulting’s mission is to deliver public health impact to vulnerable communities and expand the reach of international partners in difficult to reach parts of the world.
What We Do
Ethical program delivery
Integrity in our relationships
Sustainable implementation
Integral Global Consulting (IGC) is an 8(a) small business firm that works with US and international government organizations, private foundations, educational institutions, and foreign ministries to develop and implement sustainable public health solutions.
IGC was formed on the platform of the global health security agenda (GHSA), encompassing the core four principles of surveillance, workforce development, laboratory capacity building, and emergency operations center development. IGC currently operates in Eastern Europe, Central and South Asia, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa, IGC has had extensive impact coordinating and implementing public health programs for:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Department of State (DOS), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
- The private sector (Gilead Pharmaceuticals and Roche Diagnostics) and private foundations.
Through these collaborations, IGC manages inter-agency coordination between government and non-governmental partners to bring resources where they are most needed.
Chemical Incident Response in Iraq
In 2021, IGC, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy Sandia National Laboratories (DOE/SNL) and Emory, was awarded a contract with the U.S. Department of State Chemical Security Program…
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Chemical Incident Response in Southeast Asia
Integral Global Consulting, in partnership with Emory University and the Middle East and North African Toxicology Association (MENATOX), conducted its Recognition and Initial Management of Illness Clusters (RIMIC) course and…
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Chemical Incident Response in Lebanon
IGC will be supporting an essential project aimed at enhancing chemical incident response capabilities in Lebanon. This initiative involves a comprehensive 2-day training program designed for at least 20 Lebanese…
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Hospital CBRN Response Assessment in Iraq
In Iraq, IGC is engaging 20 emergency medicine physicians; chemical, biological, radiological (CBR) focal points; and law enforcement from the Kurdistan Ministry of Health (IKR MOH), Shar Hospital, and the…
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One Health in the Middle East
In 2012, the Gulf experienced an epidemic of the Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), which is similar in genetic structure to COVID-19, a fellow coronavirus. After the rapid spread of…
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Waterborne Diseases in DRC
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has the highest reported incidence of cholera in the world, witnessing 5-14% of global cases each year. Although cases have been endemic in…
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WASH in Pakistan
Pakistan faces a critical challenge with a large population lacking access to safe water and inadequate Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) practices, especially in rural areas and urban slums. Contaminated…
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Chemical Incident Response in Türkiye
Integral Global Consulting (IGC), in collaboration with Emory University School of Medicine, has developed the multisectoral Outbreak Investigation Workshop and clinician oriented Especially Dangerous Pathogens training to expand efforts in…
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Toxidrome Recognition in Lebanon
Project 1: IGC, in collaboration with Sandia National Laboratories, supported 15 Lebanese participants to attend the Middle East and North Africa Toxicology Association (MENATOX) Conference, held February 8-11 in the…
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Cryptococcal Meningitis in Eswatini
The Kingdom of Eswatini Despite significant and continuous progress in the expansion of antiretroviral therapy (ART) programs globally, reductions in mortality from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) have slowed in many…
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Garment Worker Health in Bangladesh
After the success of the 2020-2022 COVID-19 mitigation program in three textile mills, Integral Global Consulting (IGC) was awarded another project with the John C. Martin (JCM) Foundation to reduce…
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Fungal Diseases in South Asia & East Africa
In 2009, the world discovered a new fungal disease known as Candida auris. Though, the first case of C. auris in Pakistan was suspected to be in 2008, resulting in…
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Polio in Pakistan & Jordan
Integral Global Consulting (IGC) provides technical staffing support to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Global Immunization Division Eastern Mediterranean Region Team. IGC consultants, working as Data Managers,…
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NIH Grants Management in Pakistan
Integral Global provided technical assistance to the CDC Pakistan Office, in collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton, to build the capacity of the Pakistan National Institute of Health (NIH) to meet…
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Current International Staffing Support
Integral Global Consulting (IGC) provides support to the Division of Global Health Protection (DGHP) and the Division of Global HIV and Tuberculosis (DGHT) at the Centers of Disease Control and…
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Current Domestic Staffing Support
Integral Global Consulting (IGC) provides support to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for emergency response, program analysis and evaluation, and administrative support to the mission of the…
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COVID-19 in Garment Workers in Bangladesh
From 2020 to 2022, Integral Global Consulting implemented an evidence-based COVID-19 community mitigation program in three pilot factories in Dhaka, Bangladesh. IGC and collaborators in-country developed a standardized COVID-19 Safety…
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Hepatitis C in Pakistan
On March 02, 2019, Pakistan’s Federal Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination launched a hepatitis C elimination project in 17 marginalized communities (locally referred to as slums) scattered…
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Chemical Safety & Security in Pakistan
Project 1: In May 2022, IGC and its collaborating partners implemented a chemical safety and security webinar series targeting hospitals, academic universities, and industry personnel in both the Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces…
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Global Emergency Response
From 2021 to 2023, Integral Global Consulting (IGC) worked with the Center of Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Emergency Response and Recovery Branch (ERRB) to execute their strategy and convene…
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Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever in Pakistan
In 2020, Integral Global Consulting (IGC) provided support to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to facilitate whole genome sequencing of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF). This project…
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COVID-19 in American Tribal Nations
From 2019-2020, Integral Global Consulting (IGC) worked with the Center of Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Emergency Operations Center to provide support to tribal nations in the United States. These…
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Past International Staffing Support
Integral Global Consulting (IGC) supported the Emergency Response and Recovery Branch (ERRB) and Division of Global HIV and Tuberculosis (DGHT) at the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in…
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Past Domestic Staffing Support
Integral Global Consulting supported the Division of Global Health Protection (DGHP), Emergency Response and Recovery Branch (ERRB), and Workforce and Institute Development Branch (WIDB) at the Centers of Disease Control…
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