Integral Global Consulting (IGC) provides support to the Division of Global Health Protection (DGHP) and the Division of Global HIV and Tuberculosis (DGHT) at the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the areas of compliance advisement for CDC grant awardees, instructional design, capacity building and surveillance strengthening in Sub-Saharan Africa.
IGC’s compliance advisor serves as a recognized expert in extramural compliance and performance matters for CDC Tanzania, the Ministry of Health (MOH), and implementing partners receiving funding through CDC Tanzania. The Compliance Advisor provides support to the Extramural Branch Chief, Project Officers and Co-ag Specialists on all issues related to compliance to USG rules and regulations. The compliance advisor routinely reviews projects by implementing partners receiving cooperative agreement(co-ag)/grant funding under the PEPFAR Tanzania portfolio. Additionally, they streamline processes, systems, and tracking mechanisms to promote excellence in project management and compliance among the CDC TZ co-ag portfolio.
IGC’s Surveillance Technical Advisor (STA) provides expertise in surveillance, data management, analytics, and reporting for the DGHP Uganda office. The STA will serve in a key management role for the DGHP surveillance, health informatics and epidemiology portfolio, working closely with the host government and implementing partners to coordinate program implementation and evaluation activities. Additionally, the STA will provide technical support to CDC co-ag partners to review technical and financial planning initiatives, track project timelines and resolve implementation challenges.
In addition, IGC’s Field Epidemiology Training Coordinator served as a resident technical advisor to assist CDC Uganda in strengthening the country’s surveillance and epidemiology capabilities related to global health security and infectious disease response. The FETP Coordinator provided guidance in the implementation of frontline, intermediate, and advanced-level field epidemiology training programs focused on building surveillance, epidemiological, and outbreak preparedness, and response capacity as well as a laboratory leadership program.