Chemical Incident Response in Lebanon

Strengthening the Ability of Lebanese Academic Universities and Healthcare Systems in Responding to, Diagnosing, and Confirming Exposures from a Chemical Incident

IGC will be supporting an essential project aimed at enhancing chemical incident response capabilities in Lebanon. This initiative involves a comprehensive 2-day training program designed for at least 20 Lebanese professionals, including lab technicians, emergency responders, clinicians, and public health officials. The training will focus on the response, diagnosis, and laboratory confirmation of exposures to hazardous chemicals, including single-use chemicals, dual-use chemicals, and toxic industrial chemicals.

The training will cover the physical and chemical properties, toxicity characteristics, clinical manifestations, sample collection, diagnostic testing, and management of chemical exposures. Participants will engage in scenario-based discussions to simulate a chemical incident, develop response strategies, and create a standard operating procedure (SOP) for handling environmental and clinical samples after an unknown chemical incident.

To ensure the long-term impact of the project, participants will be equipped to serve as future trainers. They will receive comprehensive training materials to aid in disseminating the knowledge gained during the course to other professionals in their respective fields.

Through this project, IGC aims to strengthen Lebanon’s preparedness and response capabilities to chemical incidents, ultimately enhancing public health and safety.

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